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Commit hook Setup

Commit-msg hook


You can install gitlint as a git commit-msg hook so that gitlint checks your commit messages automatically after each commit.

gitlint install-hook

# Remove the hook
gitlint uninstall-hook


Gitlint cannot work together with an existing hook. If you already have a .git/hooks/commit-msg file in your local repository, gitlint will refuse to install the commit-msg hook. Gitlint will also only uninstall unmodified commit-msg hooks that were installed by gitlint. If you're looking to use gitlint in conjunction with other hooks, you should consider using gitlint with pre-commit.


gitlint can be configured as a plugin for the pre-commit git hooks framework. Simply add the following configuration to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:

-   repo:
    rev:  # Fill in a tag / sha here (e.g. v0.19.1)
    -   id: gitlint

You then need to install the pre-commit hook like so:

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg


It's important that you run pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg, even if you've already used pre-commit install before. pre-commit install does not install commit-msg hooks by default!

To manually trigger gitlint using pre-commit for your last commit message, use the following command:

pre-commit run gitlint --hook-stage commit-msg --commit-msg-filename .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG

In case you want to change gitlint's behavior, you should either use a .gitlint file or modify the gitlint invocation in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file like so:

-   repo:
    rev:  # Fill in a tag / sha here (e.g. v0.19.1)
    -   id: gitlint
        args: [--contrib=CT1, --msg-filename]


You need to add --msg-filename at the end of your custom args list as the gitlint-hook will fail otherwise.

gitlint and pre-commit in CI

gitlint also supports a gitlint-ci pre-commit hook that can be used in CI environments.

Configure it like so:

-   repo:
    rev:  # Fill in a tag / sha here (e.g. v0.19.1)
    -   id: gitlint    # this is the regular commit-msg hook
    -   id: gitlint-ci # hook for CI environments

And invoke it in your CI environment like this:

pre-commit run --hook-stage manual gitlint-ci

By default this will only lint the latest commit. If you want to lint more commits you can modify the gitlint-ci hook like so:

-   repo:
    rev:  # Fill in a tag / sha here (e.g. v0.19.1)
    -   id: gitlint
    -   id: gitlint-ci
        args: [--debug, --commits, mybranch] # enable debug mode, lint all commits in mybranch