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Gitlint releases typically go out when there's either enough new features and fixes to make it worthwhile or when there's a critical fix for a bug that fundamentally breaks gitlint.

While the amount of overhead of doing a release isn't huge, it's also not zero. In practice this means that it might take weeks or months before merged code actually gets released - we know that can be frustrating but please understand it's a well-considered trade-off based on available time.

Dev Builds

While final releases are usually months apart, we do dev builds on every commit to main:

It usually takes about 5 min after merging a PR to main for new dev builds to show up. Note that the installation of a recently published version can still fail for a few minutes after a new version shows up on PyPI while the package is replicated to all download mirrors.

To install a dev build of gitlint:

# Find latest dev build on
pip install gitlint=="0.19.0.dev68"