It looks like I've linked you here myself. Linking people to a blogpost I wrote is often a bit
akward, especially at work.
I likely shared this blog in an attempt to further a conversation. Usually the post does a better
job at succinctly sharing information
than I could by talking.
In any case, I hope me sharing this post doesn't come across as
humblebragging, that's
really the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve.
Thanks for reading!
Tools of the Trade
5 min read
Software I love ❤️
Productivity Tools 🎨
Notion : I’ve tried many different note-taking tools over the years, but since late 2018 I’m a Notion convert. I’ve written a blog post on how Notion has become my digital brain. Things I like the most: cross-platform support (incl. web and mobile) with cloud synching, block-based editing with support for a wide-variety of block-types, frequent releases with new features.
Simplemind : Cross-platform mind-mapping tool. While I don’t often use mind-mapping tools, I’ve tried out quite a few mindmapping tools over the years, and settled on Simplemind because its cloud-synching and cross platform support, its rich feature-set and the fact that it’s actively maintained. My go-to diagramming tool. Intuitive and powerful. Has a desktop version as well.
RustDesk: Great open source remote desktop solution
BetterTouchToolmac-only: Powerful customization tool for your mac’s TouchBar - so you can make it actually useful 😎. Also allows for easy customization of keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures and much more.
Magnetmac-only: Utility app that allows you to snap windows into organized tiles - similar to how window snapping works on Windows. Useful to put screens next to each-other.
Bartendermac-only: Menu tray icon organizer - very useful to de-clutter your tray menu.
Datomac-only: Better menu bar clock with calendar and time zones.
Amphetaminemac-only: Tiny program that helps you to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep or starting a screensaver.
CleanShot Xmac-only: Screenshot capture and annotation tool - use it multiple times a day. Pricey, but worth it for me. I’ve used Skitch and Annotate in the past but moved to Cleanshot since both Annotate and Skitch are no longer actively maintained (for mac).
1Password: Cross-platform password manager with large feature-set. After more than a decade of using Lastpass, I recently switched to 1Password after reading some pretty bad things about the recent Lastpass security breach and their general security practices.
Authy: Cross-platform multi-factor authenticator app that is a drop-in replacement for Google Authenticator.
Web browsing 🌍
Firefox: After using Google Chrome since v1.0 (back in 2008!), I’ve switched back to Firefox a year ago. It feels faster, more private and better for power-users. It’s good to be back.
Tab Wrangler: Automatically closes inactive tabs and makes it easy to get them back. Life-saver to keep your browser window somewhat clean (and computer fast!).
Cookie AutoDelete: When a tab closes, any cookies not being used are automatically deleted. Keep the ones you trust (forever/until restart) while deleting the rest.
Old Reddit Redirect: Automatically open websites in a dedicated container based on URL patterns.
Containerisefirefox-only: Automatically open websites in a dedicated container based on URL patterns.
Foxy Proxyfirefox-only: Send traffic to different web proxies based on URL patterns. I use this to seperate out my personal traffic (routed via an HTTP proxy) from work traffic.
Multi-Account Containersfirefox-only: Keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded container tabs, with each container having cookies separated. Useful to create isolation between shopping, banking, producitvity, work websites.
Containerisefirefox-only: Automatically open websites in a dedicated container based on URL patterns.
Firefox with the listed extensions
Firefox with the listed extensions
Software Development ⚙️
VSCode: Visual Studio Code is my go-to general purpose text editor, for both general text editing as well as coding. I find it (much) better than Sublime, BBEdit, TextWrangler or Atom. I exclusively use the Insiders Build which is generally very stable. Extension call-outs:, Luna Paint, Remote Development Pack, vscode-icons
Datagrip: Database IDE that can connect to many different database backends.
Colima: container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup. I used Podman Desktop as a replacement for Docker for a while but have found colima just works while podman sometimes requires figuring out workarounds.
Github Co-Pilot: AI pair programmer. I’ve been blown away by it’s smart autocompletion suggestions - I use this every day.
rtx: Programming Language (and more) version manager. Allows you to have multiple versions of Java, Python, Ruby, etc installed and easily switch between them. Up until recently I used asdf but switched to rtx for its improved simplicity and installation speed.
Seeing is believing: @github co-pilot is absolutely mind blowing. I didn't write any of the code in the screenshot. I didn't even write half of the comments. It's as if it can read my mind. This will change the entire industry.
iTerm terminal window using an Oh My Posh prompt, showing some of the commandline tools listed in this post.
iTerm terminal window using an Oh My Posh prompt, showing some of the commandline tools listed in this post.
My dotfiles: Source of all my commandline customizations for zsh and bash.
iTerm2: iTerm2 is a widely popular replacement for macOS Terminal with a large feature-set. Chances are you’re already using it if you’re reading this :-)
mosh: Drop-in replacement for SSH that deals with intermittent server connectivity. Gone are the annoying typing delays when SSHing to a server over WAN or a spotty internet connection.
Oh My Posh: A prompt theme engine for any shell. Allows you to
ripgrep : Super-fast replacement for grep with sane defaults. Must-have.
bat: Bat - A modern cat clone with line syntax highlighting, line numbering and more. Highly recommend to set alias cat=‘bat’.
lsd: rewrite of ls with lots of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc. Highly recommend to set alias ls=‘lsd’
fd: fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find with sensible (opinionated) defaults for most use cases. Highly recommend to set alias find=‘fd’.
fzf: General purpose command-line fuzzy finder. I used it primarily as much better replacement for bash’s default history search feature (i.e. CTRL+R).
delta: Much improved diff tool. Especially useful in combination with git.
jq: From the jq website: “jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.”
desk: Lightweight workspace manager for the shell. I prefer it over tools like direnv and autoenv because it allows me to store workspaces centrally and (de)activate them explicitely.
usql: Universal command-line interface for SQL databases.
Others: The tools above are the those I use (almost) daily, but there’s a few more I only use occassionaly. Most are listed in the Julia Evans’ excellent blogpost A list of new(ish) command line tools.