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User Defined Rules


Gitlint supports the concept of user-defined rules: the ability for users to write their own custom rules in python.

To use this, set the extra-path option to point to a directory where gitlint will search for python files containing user-defined rule classes.

extra-path=tools/gitlint/myrules # (1)

# Alternatively, point to a specific file
  1. This path is relative to the current working directory in which you're executing gitlint.
    # You can also use absolute paths of course
gitlint --extra-path "tools/gitlint/myrules" # (1)
# Alternatively, point to a specific file
gitlint --extra-path "tools/gitlint/myrules/"

# You can also use -c style config flags
gitlint -c general.extra-path=tools/gitlint/myrules
  1. This path is relative to the current working directory in which you're executing gitlint.
    # You can also use absolute paths of course
    gitlint --extra-path "/opt/gitlint/"
GITLINT_EXTRA_PATH=tools/gitlint/myrules gitlint # (1)
# Alternatively, point to a specific file
GITLINT_EXTRA_PATH=tools/gitlint/myrules/ gitlint
  1. This path is relative to the current working directory in which you're executing gitlint.
    # You can also use absolute paths of course
    GITLINT_EXTRA_PATH=/opt/gitlint/myrules gitlint

Example using the examples directory in the gitlint source code:

$ cat examples/commit-message-1 | gitlint --extra-path examples/
1: UC2 Body does not contain a 'Signed-off-by Line' # (1)
  1. Example output of a user-defined Signed-off-by rule. Other violations occuring in examples/commit-message-1 were removed for brevity.

The SignedOffBy user-defined CommitRule was discovered by gitlint when it discovered examples/gitlint/

from gitlint.rules import CommitRule, RuleViolation

class SignedOffBy(CommitRule):
    """Enforce that each commit contains a "Signed-off-by" line.
    We keep things simple here and just check whether the commit body
    contains a line that starts with "Signed-off-by".

    # A rule MUST have a human friendly name
    name = "body-requires-signed-off-by"

    # A rule MUST have a *unique* id
    # We recommend starting with UC (for User-defined Commit-rule).
    id = "UC2"

    def validate(self, commit):
        log_msg = "This will be visible when running `gitlint --debug`"

        for line in commit.message.body:
            if line.startswith("Signed-off-by"):

        msg = "Body does not contain a 'Signed-off-by' line"
        return [RuleViolation(, msg, line_nr=1)]

If you want to check whether your rules are properly discovered by gitlint, you can use the --debug flag:

$ gitlint --debug --extra-path examples/
# [output cut for brevity]
  UC1: body-max-line-count
  UC2: body-requires-signed-off-by
  UL1: title-no-special-chars
     special-chars=['$', '^', '%', '@', '!', '*', '(', ')']


In most cases it's really the easiest to just copy an example from the examples directory and modify it to your needs.