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Rule Specification

As long as you stick with simple rules that are similar to the sample user-defined rules (see the examples directory), gitlint should be able to discover and execute them. While clearly you can run any python code you want in your rules, you might run into some issues if you don't follow the conventions that gitlint requires.

While the rule finding source-code is the ultimate source of truth, here are some of the requirements that gitlint enforces.

Rule class requirements

  • Rules must extend from LineRule, CommitRule or ConfigurationRule
  • Rule classes must have id and name string attributes. The options_spec is optional, but if set, it must be a list of gitlint Options.
  • CommitRule and LineRule classes must have a validate method.
  • In case of a CommitRule, validate must take a single commit parameter.
  • In case of LineRule, validate must take line and commit as first and second parameters.
  • ConfigurationRule classes must have an apply method that take config and commit as first and second parameters.
  • LineRule classes must have a target class attributes that is set to either CommitMessageTitle or CommitMessageBody.
  • User Rule id's cannot start with R, T, B, M or I as these rule ids are reserved for gitlint itself.
  • Rules should have a case-insensitive unique id as only one rule can exist with a given id. While gitlint does not enforce this, having multiple rules with the same id might lead to unexpected or undeterministic behavior.

extra-path requirements

  • If extra-path is a directory, it does not need to be a proper python package, i.e. it doesn't require an file.
  • Python files containing user-defined rules must have a .py extension. Files with a different extension will be ignored.
  • The extra-path will be searched non-recursively, i.e. all rule classes must be present at the top level extra-path directory.
  • User rule classes must be defined in the modules that are part of extra-path, rules that are imported from outside the extra-path will be ignored.